G.Viruet blog


Elements of Distance Education Diffusion

In the Siemens vodcast we could understand how the increase in online communication, new tools develop and the growing comfort using this tools and in this way of communication are growing the acceptance of Distance Education. I agree with this position and I believe that are factors that are interrelated. We could see then in the collaborative interaction form. Siemens expressed that as the new technologies develop and because of the global diversity approach, the concept of interaction has change significantly. In Edutopia blog, Will Richardson express that collaborative in this age comes with challenges that often cause concern and fear. The collaborative process is a new way of thinking about teaching and learning. This element has evolved thanks to develop of new tools like web 2.0.  The using of facebook, wikis, blogs, google documents have open a possibility word that change the way student think and learn. They connect people to interact in a different, not just because of the tools but because of the feeling and mentality way.  But the concern is how to use it in the way to be in line with this new world. Chris Jones in his Talent Culture blog redefines the collaboration concept to be in line with. He define the concept as an “interactive dynamic of engaged people, who, when electing to work together, adopt shared behaviors and goals through conversation … with an objective of driving new, emergent, innovative insights and outcomes”. The collaboration is not an option is an election that the student accept to create his knowledge when share with others. When student decides to work with other, he starts to understand his thinking and change it or develop it in the process that knows others thinking. When decision is taken, tools like wiki and blog give the opportunities to work with others without frontiers. 

George Siemens "The future of Distance Education"

Jones, C..  Collaboration is everywhere. Maybe we should define it? Retrieve from http://www.talentculture.com/culture/collaboration-is-everywhere-maybe-we-should-define-it/

Richardson, W. World without walls: Learning well with others. Retrieve from http://www.edutopia.org/collaboration-age-technology-will-richardson